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How to find us

Train: The nearest train station is Pulborough (West Sussex) or Haslemere (Surrey). Taxi from Pulborough takes around 15 minutes, from Haslemere around 30 minutes.

Plane: The nearest airport is Gatwick, North and South Terminals.  Heathrow is little further.

Car: We are approx 1 hour 30 mins from London, 1 hour from Brighton and 2 hours from Bristol.

Contact details

Kiki Design Ltd

1 Pound Street


West Sussex

GU28 0DX

Shop: 01798 343745

Sarah's mobile: 07798 813932

Jon's mobile: 07711 261162



Opening times

Amended opening times: Thurs - Sat 11am until 4pm. Or outside of these times can be arranged by appointment.

Closing times: All UK holidays in addition to the following:

Buying trips - we may be closed or have reduced shop opening hours. So please always check in or contact us before setting out to come and see us - we would hate you to have a wasted journey. Thank you.

Sarah and Jon x


Email Us / Enquiries
